Dianne Pollard Obituary, A Remarkable Life Remembered Death


Dianne Pollard Obituary, Death – The loss of Dr. Dianne Jemison Pollard has left a profound void in our hearts and within the department that she so passionately served for over four decades. Her passing, so soon after celebrating her retirement in December 2022, is a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the depth of the impact one individual can have.

For those who had the privilege of working alongside Dr. Pollard, she was not just a colleague; she was a mentor, a friend, and a guiding light. Her unwavering dedication to our department was evident in every aspect of her work, and her commitment to her students and colleagues was nothing short of remarkable.

Dr. Pollard’s retirement marked the end of an era, and her absence is keenly felt by all who knew her. Her legacy is not merely a collection of accomplishments but a testament to her boundless passion for education, her tireless advocacy for her students, and her unwavering support for her colleagues. As we move forward without her physical presence, we are determined to honor Dr. Pollard’s memory by continuing the work she held so dear. Her spirit will live on in the halls of our department, in the lessons she imparted, and in the countless lives she touched.

In the face of this profound loss, we find solace in the knowledge that Dr. Dianne Jemison Pollard’s impact on our department and the lives she touched will never be forgotten. Her memory will serve as a source of inspiration, reminding us to carry forward the torch of her dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to education. Our thoughts and condolences are with her family and loved ones during this difficult time. Dr. Pollard’s legacy will forever be etched in our hearts and in the very fabric of our department.
